Week one: CALL history.

Something that I want to remember from this article is how important is to keep innovating our resource at the moment to teach a new language because every single day something new is released on technology and our students need to take advantage of that.

The way that we can approach new methodology for our students is really worth it. Instead of using the same traditional method if we take advantage of the new technology, we can create new games, different worksheet, they can receive new interaction, create a new word for them and started changing the same routine of the regular classes.

 Even do creating this blog we are taking advantage of the new resource that technology provides, however is crucial for teacher to select the most appropriate context for the development of the students taking in consideration that not everything that appears on the internet is logical or true. As teacher is our responsibility to take care of all the resource that we are going to provide to the students and also the resource that we are going to used.

Finally, what surprised me in this article was how the abounded technological and pedagogical developments have changed in the last 30 years just using the technology and all the resource that this provide, but let me ask you this. Is technology the only resource that a teacher can use now a day? Yes, or why not?


  1. Hi Angelica, I just want to say that I totally agree with your ideas. Nowadays, as teachers we face some difficulties at the moment to teach and this is because students prefer new ways to learn (as you were explaining in your article). For example: sometimes we try to use paper and pencil, but they prefer a screen with interactive images. In the other hand, we are students as well, and most of the time we prefer to learn with technology by our side, instead of using notebooks we use our phones, and now, instead of using books, we are using a blog! Which for me is awesome. These days, for people is easier to have technical tools (phones, tablets, computers, internet, etc.) and due to that we all prefer new methods to learn. Greetings.

  2. Interesting question Angelica, I would say NO, technology is not the only resource that students have now a days. As you said, even though technology is taking over most of teacing techniques, teachers really need to guide students trough this tool because not all the time will be accurate or helpful as expected; sometimes is better to go back to read a phisycal book.

    I also like what you mentioned, innovation. As teachers we need to innovate teaching techniques as the world is moving on to the digitalization. It is crucial that teachers know the current methodologies that technology provides, and be creative to apply them with local students.


  3. Hello Angie, I think that your post is very interesting, But I have a question Do you think that teachers to teach they only need virtual resources? Because nowaday the use of virtual elements is common but some teachers can not use this because they need to acquire informtion about the technology, Some schools use tablets intead of books, but Do you think that those methods to use technology in class is good?

  4. Hi, I just want to say that I agree with your statement because technology offers us as teacher a lot of advantages, technology facilitate us grading, explanation and a lot of other things, but it is advantageous for students too because they get more familiar with new topic and also they are very good using technological tools like PCs and smartphones, so it makes the lessons more easy for them and funny so as you said we can use a lot of new activities and other online resources to support our lessons and students understanding.


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